ly/3Aw6axXWelcome to this Planet Zoo Franchise Mode video! In this series we build a big cat zoo in Pl Planet Zoo allows us to build a global franchise, and that's exactly what we're going to do in this Franchise Mode let's play. 5Let's build another Prairie Dog Habiatat - this time in the Franchise M mode in Out of the Park Baseball.

Hardcore fans of the series will no doubt love the additions for the rest of us, the most fun you'll get out of this will be dropping your visitors into the shark tank.Planet Zoo: Der Franchise Mode und seine Eigenschaften. The graphics are looking pretty tired by now too, and there's only a measly two new campaigns for you to try, despite the extra 20 challenges. It's hardly rocket science, but then, neither is the act of exploiting marine mammals for cold hard cash.

You can either duck out of the hard work by hiring a trainer, or do it yourself, which consists of tracing a line and pressing the right buttons at the correct time. However, the title's saved from being a total waste of time by the ability to train your animals and put on shows.

Despite the 20 new animals, this proves a little underwhelming and the building itself is pretty fiddly if you try to experiment with anything flashy, like underwater viewing sections. You can now build tanks in your parks and fill them with the requisite fish, sea mammals, coral and rock. This time round, the emphasis is on getting your feet wet by setting up aquarium-based exhibits - think along the lines of Seo World. It seems the life of a zoo keeper is never dull (but it may well be full of crap). Taking their cue from Maxis' expansion-meister The Sims, Blue Fang seem to be churning out these Zoo Tycoon expansions at an alarming rate.